Every soul is an angel in disguise.
Why? Because everyone we encounter provides an opportunity to exercise love. "Love", in this context obviously isn't of the romantic kind. It's the stuff that makes a soul strong and wise. It's the stuff that makes us want to understand why another person might be hurt, or bitter, or misguided. A person who abuses another person, in whatever form and to whatever degree, is surely hurt, bitter or misguided. They are an angel with a broken wing, and they may want to take out their frustrations on you, whether they're aware of it or not. But if we can learn to love ourself unconditionally - regardless of how bad, flawed, or judgemental we think we are - then we can begin to love others as ourself. Then we can be an angel to others, albeit not a perfect angel. But perfection is not our purpose here. Rather, it's to learn about love, and to discover what love might mean. Every soul is an angel in disguise.