Okay, I wrote this stuff some time ago but didn’t post it cuz I can be misinterpreted as an oaf. But I’m drunk now. So I don't mind. Here it is cut and paste. People can make their own minds up.
The Cosmic Story Part II
We’ve all asked the questions, "Why are we here? Is there any purpose to life? Is there life beyond the veil of death"? Well I possess answers to these questions via a quick-route method without necessarily having 'grown' into them. I’m psychic, you see, so I’m cheating. But due to the natural laws of growth it’s humanity's destiny to awaken to this stuff anyway. So take it or leave it,
(1) When we die, our soul continues to experience Life on the Other Side. There, we retain our individuality, live full lives in Heaven, and exist for all eternity. It is there that we are at our most alive and vibrant.
(2) We freely choose to incarnate on physical planes such as earth as many times as we like, in order to face challenges and trials which don't exist in Paradise. A good way to interpret the nature of our short lives on earth is to perceive them as quick trips to the gym, which advance spiritual strength and growth.
(3) The hardships and tribulations that we face on earth are of our own choosing, not God's. For each trip to earth, we choose our own bodies, we choose the timing of our incarnation, we choose the conditions of our upbringing and the challenges we face. (The greater the physical challenge, the greater potential for spiritual advancement. Hence, disabled bodies, for example, are actually blessings in disguise.)
(4) Our earthly minds are deliberately 'veiled' from the Whole Truth in order for our soul to experience challenges of a deeper kind. (i.e. concepts such as "fear", "loneliness", "pain", "hatred", "ugliness", "insecurity", or "doubt" etc. are incoherent in Heaven. They can only be experienced in realms such as earth-life, and our deeper goal is to rise above them and conquer them from within. If we were always aware of the Whole Truth, then the challenges would cease to be).
(5) Our degree of wisdom, inner peace and spiritual enlightenment is determined generally by our soul's level of growth and advancement. i.e. materialistic or shallow folk might be beginners at the game of life, whilst wise and spiritually mature folk have probably done the rounds many times before.
(6) The quickest way to advance spiritually and to cultivate positive karma, is to love, and to adhere to principles of goodwill, forgiveness and integrity.
(7) For the vast majority of souls, death is a highly positive experience. It is like being released from a dark, stuffy room, walking into a breathtaking world of freedom, beauty and light.
(8) The quality of our inner-experience on the Other Side is determined generally by the amount of spiritual wealth we have accumulated on our journey so far. People who have deliberately caused much evil and damage on earth, like Hitler, will experience an inner feeling of darkness and guilt when they arrive in Heaven. They will see the bigger picture and will be aware of the consequences of their actions to others and to their own soul. Oftentimes these people will automatically incarnate back to earth - or to another physical planet - in an attempt to `burn off' their negative karma. (It is difficult to balance out negative karma in Heaven, because the challenges don't exist there.)
(9) Ultimately, from the soul's reckoning, nothing really matters, because we are all eternally secure and constantly loved by God. Love and enlightenment is our ultimate destiny, and all the dramas of earthly life are really part of a big 'game', played out by souls in human costumes to fulfil a divine Plan. Whilst in this physical realm, it is indeed like living in the Matrix. Even though most people assume that this is the "real world", and that our earthly life is the be all and end all of our existence, there is a Real World beyond our earthly awareness. The difference between our situation and the situation portrayed in the movie 'the Matrix', is that the ultimate nature of reality is actually LOVE.
(10) From the divine perspective, the universe is a piece of art. It's like a huge kaleidoscope with many dimensions, swirling, dancing and expanding. Even though the universe seems so big, and we can feel so small, from God's point of view, physical size makes no difference at all. We all possess deep intrinsic value in God's eyes, regarldess of how worthless or small we think we are.
(11) The 'substance', or 'physical laws' of Heaven is very different to our earthly dimension. It therefore makes no sense to describe life in Heaven in basic earthly language. Rest assured, everything makes better sense in Heaven than anything ever could on this crude God-forsaken realm.
(12) The Muslim story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden is correct. (Surah 2.35-38). Christianity got misguided when it claimed that Eden existed on earth. The Garden of Eden refers to Paradise-Heaven, where humanity were created at the outset. When Adam and Eve chose to eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they were driven out of Paradise to do exactly that. The Christian story of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection is true. God intimately participates in the long journey of life, and Jesus’ life demonstrated this. Jesus came to earth as God incarnate to spread the most profound message humanity has every known.